Sydney Hiking Trips - Easy bushwalks around Sydney using the train, bus and ferry.

About This App

Sydney Hiking Trips Version 4.0.0

Thank you for supporting Sydney Hiking Trips. You make it possible for me to expand this guide and motivate people to enjoy Sydney's varied landscapes.

Please add your suggestions and bug reports on GitHub, or send them to


App, photography, and GPS logs © Maurice van Creij. Licensed under The MIT License.

Maps © and © OpenStreetMap contributors.


Please do not rely solely on this app for your navigation. There is no warranty on the accuracy or reliability of this app. Always carry a real paper map, which are readily available from park offices and tourist information centres.

Privacy Policy

Please inform yourself of the privacy policy regarding geolocation use.


Uncover these trophies by visiting special locations marked (Example trophy marker) on the map.